


兽医照顾动物的健康. 他们诊断、治疗或研究医学 conditions and diseases of pets, livestock, and animals in zoos, racetracks, and laboratories. Veterinarians in private clinical practices treat the injuries and illnesses of pets and farm animals with a variety of medical equipment, including surgical tools and x光机. They provide treatment for animals that is similar to what a doctor 如何治疗人类.


  • 伴侣动物兽医 治疗宠物,一般在私人诊所工作. 根据美国兽医协会 Medical Association, 77 percent of veterinarians who work in private clinical practice treat pets. They most often care for cats and dogs, but also treat other pets, such 比如鸟、雪貂和兔子. 这些兽医诊断动物健康问题, consult with owners of animals, and carry out medical procedures, such as vaccinations 和固定骨折.
  • 马的兽医 和马一起工作. About 6 percent of private practice veterinarians treat horses.
  • 食用动物兽医 与农场动物如猪、牛、羊一起工作. 大约8%的私人 执业兽医治疗食用动物. 他们大部分时间都在农场度过 and ranches treating illnesses and injuries and testing for and vaccinating against disease. They also may advise owners or managers about feeding, housing, and general 医疗实践.
  • 食品安全和检验兽医 inspect livestock and animal products and enforce government food safety regulations. 他们可能会检查牲畜,检查动物是否有E. 大肠杆菌等可传播 diseases. They check for food purity and sanitation by inspecting food products, animals 尸体,屠宰和加工厂. 其他人可能会沿着国家的路线工作 borders in food safety and security, ensuring abundant and safe food supplies.
  • 研究兽医 work in laboratories, conducting clinical research on human and animal health problems. These veterinarians may perform tests on animals to identify the effects of drug therapies, 或者他们可能会测试新的手术技术. 他们也可能研究如何预防、控制、 或者消除食物和动物传播的疾病.

Veterinarians must complete a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M. or V.M.D.) degree 在正规的兽医学院学习. 目前有28个学院拥有 认证项目. A veterinary medicine program generally takes 4 years to complete 包括教室,实验室和临床部分.

Although not required, most applicants to veterinary school have a bachelor's degree. Veterinary medical colleges typically require applicants to have taken many science classes, including biology, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, zoology, microbiology, 以及动物科学. Some programs also require math and humanities or social science courses.

Admission to veterinary programs is competitive, and less than half of all applicants 2010年被录取.

In veterinary medicine programs, students take courses on normal animal anatomy and physiology, as well as disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. 大多数程序 包括3年的课堂、实验室和临床工作. 学生通常花费 the final year of the 4-year program doing clinical rotations in a veterinary medical 中心或医院. In veterinary schools today, increasingly, courses also include general business management and career development classes to help new veterinarians 学习如何有效地进行实践. (来自在线职业展望手册, 2011-2012).



Students can apply to many physical therapy schools by using the 兽医学院申请服务 (VMCAS). Here you will find lots of useful information on School Pre-requisites, 重要的日期和其他重要的信息.

总平均成绩3分.0 (on a 4.(0分)是华人博彩论坛考虑的最低分数 到伊利诺伊大学兽医医学项目. 此外,平均绩点为3.所有先决条件均为0或以上 course work (including elective science courses) is recommended. 总体平均值 大一新生的GPA一般在3分.6 to 3.7 range.

A broad exposure to veterinary medicine in more than one clinical setting is strongly recommended. Exposure to both large and small animals is highly recommended, and it is strongly suggested that you work with a number of different veterinarians. Most schools do not officially suggest a minimum number of hours for candidates applying 伊利诺伊大学兽医医学项目. 大多数成功的申请者都有 超过100小时.

The University of Illinois Veterinary Medicine Program acknowledges the importance 认识和理解文化多样性. 这个项目的教职员工, and students strive to promote trust, respect, and appreciation for individual differences 在实践、研究和教育方面. 努力提供一个支持 environment, one appreciative of human differences, while cooperating with each other 在思想和行动的建设性表达中.

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is required for admission to the 犹他大学兽医项目. The GRE General Test is the only test required, not the Subject Test. Arrange to take the test early to ensure receipt of the scores prior to the 申请的最后期限. For more information about the test and to register, visit the GRE网站: www.gre.org.

Three letters of recommendation are required to apply 到伊利诺伊大学兽医医学项目. One letter must come from a veterinarian and another from a professor in the applicant's 主修领域. 第三封信可能来自认识这个学生的人 嗯,比如主管或顾问. 信件,无论是纸质的还是电子的,都要发送 直接到VMCAS.

On the VMCAS application, applicants are required to disclose and explain any felony 或者轻罪定罪. 申请人被伊利诺伊大学兽医医学专业录取 are required to provide signed consent for conducting an External Criminal Background Investigation in addition to providing a signed Release of Information Waiver. This occurs at the time applicants confirm the Program's offer of admission. Enrollment in the 犹他大学兽医项目 is contingent on a successful background check. Applicants should also be aware that some clinical education sites will require drug screening 为学生进行临床轮转.

Non-U.S. citizens are eligible for admission to the U of I Graduate Program Veterinary Medicine. 然而,我大学项目只接受来自美国的课程.S. 机构, and only three non-citizens have been admitted over the past 30 years. 一小部分 of U.S. 兽医项目接受非公民. 既然可能性很大, non-citizen students should thoroughly research and carefully consider such a decision and discuss it with their pre-physical therapy advisors early in their undergraduate years.


120 students admitted (~90 Illinois residence, 30 out of state)


The selection of students is a 3-phase process, usually completed by late-February 在华人博彩论坛那年. This process includes a cognitive evaluation, a non-cognitive 评估和面试. 请参阅 I大学华人博彩论坛要求 了解更多信息.
